Journal #10

Talk to me about your relationship to Halloween candy. What’s your favorite? How, if at all, did you sort your Halloween candy haul? Did you trick or treat in the same place every year? What non-candy Halloween food traditions did/do you have? You don’t have to answer all of these? Just riff on your food/candy relationship to Halloween.

Journal #8

Write about a place you wish you could go for the food. It can be a specific event (the Maine lobster festival) or a specific place (a certain restaurant in New York or whatever) or a place and a time (for example, your grandmother’s house at Thanksgiving in 2019) or a region/country (Provence or Indonesia or whatever). Why this place? What do you imaging eating?

Thursday Active-Writing Assignment #5

Popular music is overflowing with song lyrics that use food to convey something about love, hate, fear, lust, community, exclusion, race, class, gender — basically as a stand-in for some cultural touchstone. Today, I want you to pick one song that uses food to do this in some way and, in your journal, break down how the song does this. Other than AI, you can use whatever resources you want to help form your thoughts. Just be sure to mention any sources or influences on your thinking.

Journal #7

What does Coca-Cola mean to you? Even if you don’t drink it, how do you think about it as a force in the culture? What do you associate with it?

Thursday Active-Writing Assignment #4

Call three people you know — family member, friend, etc. — and tell them that, for your food-writing class, you have to come up with story ideas that touch on the intersection of food and culture. Ask for some ideas. Log these ideas in your journal — even the uninteresting, ridiculous, or incomplete ones — and then pick one that you could envision pursuing in some form. Write a 150-word pitch for this idea. We will discuss these in class on Tuesday 10/8.