Journal #4

Two steps to this one: 1) Think of something you love to eat and then write the recipe for it. Don’t look up recipes as reference. Just do the best you can and write it in your own words. 2) Once you’ve written the instructions for the recipe, go back and write an introductory headnote for it. The headnote, which should be 200-350 words, is basically a place to tell the recipe reader/user some context that will help them better understand the history of, occasion for, and/or technique to produce the recipe. As you saw with this week’s reading, it can be any combination of personal history, food history, cultural history, ingredient context or technical detail. But it needs to flow. It can’t just be a hodgepodge of things. Like a story, it should have some internal logic.

Journal #2

On Tuesday, you wrote about oranges without using many/most of the words one would normally need to write about oranges. You’ve read or will read by Monday a couple of pieces of writing, one very orange-centric and the other only loosely connected to oranges. For your first journal entry, I’d like for you to write about a memory involving oranges. (For our purposes, “orange” can mean any of the orange, sweet, tangy fruits related to oranges: clementines, tangerines, etc.) Your journal entry can be a very orange-centric memory or it can be something more oblique (like The Most Human Sound reading). There is no wrong approach. Some of you already took this approach last Tuesday. If you’d like to explore that same memory, just take a different approach. Aim for at least 500 words. And remember, your journal entries don’t have to be fully formed, polished things. The purpose of doing them is to get you started writing. So it’s okay to have gaps, stops/starts, TKTKs.

Due by the beginning of class on Tuesday.

Thursday Active-Writing #1

It’s week one and I’m already cheating. Technically, this active-writing assignment is really three active-writing assignments, but I’m choosing to call it one active-writing assignment with three parts.

Part 1: Write about your first food memory (or an early food memory).

Part 2: Write about a memorable food journey you take (or have taken). What do I mean by “journey?” Whatever you want it to mean.

Part 3: Write about your saddest meal. Interpret “sad” however you’d like.

Aim for at least a longish paragraph on each. Your entry should be written in your Journal doc on Google Drive by 10am on Friday, September 1.

Journal #1

In your journal doc, make a list of at least five foods about which you have strong feelings. The feelings can be good, bad, mixed, complicated. And for the purposes of this assignment, “food” can mean anything—a single food (eg, Red Delicious Apple), a category of food (eg, beans or chocolate), a dish type (eg, burger or salad), or a brand (eg, Amy’s frozen burritos). “Food” can even mean “drink” or “candy” or basically anything else that you can digest.

Once you have your list, pick one of those things and write about it for 5-10 minutes.

Due: Before class starts on Tuesday, August 29.